• Life is Magic

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About Janneke

About me

Janneke is an internationally certified Facilitator and Master in NLP, Card Reading, Face Reading, Generational Healing who believes in the power of every person. She inspires you to get back to your core, your authentic self and likes to look for creative working methods. Connecting thinking, feeling and doing is essential in this. In everything she does, she stimulates people to tap into their potential, from energy and pleasure. Her training and years of experience form a solid foundation, in which she strongly believes in taking responsibility for your behavior and actions. Your environment is a valuable mirror for you in this.


Personal Development

Discover inspiring workshops and courses or find out how Janneke can guide you with her personal counseling and readings sessions.‎Personal…

Janneke’s Blog

This blog is about interesting subjects I like to share with you. You are very welcome to have a look.

Art Gallery

Welcome in Janneke de Lange’s Art Gallery! In here you can find all kinds of digital artwork of Janneke created…


In the webshop you can find and purchase sessions, workshops, courses and Janneke’s digital artwork.

Janneke’s Blog

Latest Posts

Cards 8 – 15 February

Cards 8 – 15 February

Cards for the week of 8-15 February 🦉insight If this blog aroused your curiosity, you are very welcome to have a card reading or to follow the Card…
Cards 11-18 January

Cards 11-18 January

Cards for the week of 11-18 January 🦉insight If this blog aroused your curiosity, you are very welcome to follow the Face Reading workshop. If you have…


High, protruding cheekbones People who are adventurous, who like to try new things and challenges have this structure. They desire to travel and move around.…


Ganga Sharma

Heartfelt thanks 💖 for your insightful session! I really enjoyed the application of inferences from the structure of the Face.

Nature has marvellous secrets hidden…

The Catty overview, the Confident Broad Face 🐻 Bear along with Arched Designer Eye 👀 Brow were some of the things that stayed with me…

How amazing to utilize this knowledge in allocation of work and making your move with sensitivity in Relationships.

Your observations and conversational style was very impactful!

Dutch lady

Janneke is a teacher in heart and soul. She educes her knowledge in a very pleasant and nice way, tailored to your learning style. She gives you insight in What’s going on in your Life via her fables and sagas. She educates the meaning of colours. The meaning of shapes of faces. You can learn drawing and a lot of other things. If you want to. Because Janneke has so much to give and educate, she secretly helps you developing in life.

And that’s what I love about her.

Marjolein van der Burg

Last week I had a cardreading, it was great, very nice and amazing what the cards already saw and what the cards showed me: that I’m going the right way on my mission and path in my life. Next week we ‘ll continue this trip of my life! Janneke is a very lovely and patience woman, she listens from minute one till the end…

Laurie Schryver

I have had the good fortune of receiving several readings from Janneke.  Her impressive credentials include being a Master Card Reader of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck by Tori Hartman. However, credentials only tell part of the story. Janneke’s ability to interpret the cards is a true gift, and she has extensive knowledge of the symbolism of colors, numbers, animals and objects. Her skill in weaving all these aspects together is impressive. You won’t regret contacting Janneke.

Yoko Suzuki

You would never know where Janneke’s reading might take you. She is so ready to assist the client with various modalities to facilitate and work with your issue that you can be rest assured on her reading the cards chosen by you/her.

Dieke Polstra

I went to Janneke de Lange for an evening about multi-generational healing. The first assignment was to write down my family tree. I had to write down the big events in the lives of my brothers/ sisters, parents and grandparents. Janneke looked at our family trees, and picked one event that had had the most impact. In my family tree it was the sudden death of my grandmother, in a traffic crash.
With this event in mind, I had to pick dolls. These wooden dolls all have their own color. I had to pick dolls for myself, my parents and my grandmother. Janneke looked at the way I put them together and asked questions. I changed the dolls setup several times, until it was right. My grandmother gave me a message and it really moved me. That surprised me, because we never met.
Janneke told me, it could be possible my mums behaviour would change. And it did. She went to a funeral of my uncle, and a few days later she told me all about the past and about pictures she’d seen at this funeral. Quite surprising to notice this multi-generational healing works out as Janneke told me.
Her help is really helping me taking steps forward.


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    The Hague


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